There are dozens of different options alert services on the market, but which one is best for you? Read on to find out more. Listed below are the top options alert providers available. You can also read our reviews of Bullish Bears, Market Chameleon, Seeking Alpha Premium, and Benzinga. These programs are all great ways to learn about the latest financial news. If you’re looking for a high-quality options trading service, consider using one of these services.
Bullish Bears
The Bullish Bears stock alert service best option alert service provides real-time trade signals, including exact strike prices, expiration dates, and divergence points. The service focuses on large cap companies and is suitable for both new and experienced traders. Traders will benefit from a weekly recap video and support from fellow members. Users will also have access to the live trading room, which operates two hours per day. Besides the alert service, Bullish Bears offers members a variety of ways to interact with other members, including a forum.
In addition to offering an extensive range of trading courses, Bullish Bears offers a community platform with 90K YouTube subscribers. The low membership fees are likely to have attracted many users, while the online community keeps them engaged. Bullish Bears offers live streaming of their trades, as well as training courses. Unlike other services, Bullish Bears does not have a simulator, but there are other options for beginners.
Mindful Trader
In this Mindful Trader options alert review, we’ll talk about how this service works and what it can do for you. Whether you want to trade the stock market or just short-sell a stock, Mindful Trader has a solution for you. Alerts are sent to you via text or email. They include the exact ticker, price, profit target, and stop loss. This service also helps you make informed decisions when trading options.
In fact, the company claims to have averaged 140% returns over twenty years. Eric’s stats indicate that the returns have been incredibly low in some years, but they’re nowhere near the 142% average reported for Mindful Trader subscribers since launch. These stats, however, aren’t definitive and may just be misleading. The company claims to have spent over two hundred thousand dollars developing its trading strategies, so it makes sense that they’d have some good data.
Market Chameleon
If you are looking for a reliable options alert review software, then you should take a look at Market Chameleon. It offers many features to help you find the best options trades. It allows you to create multiple watch lists with different criteria and then customize alert triggers based on those criteria. It also offers a wide range of options information and the ability to track stocks. Its advanced algorithm allows you to choose which stocks are worth watching and which ones are not.
Market Chameleon is the best options alert reviews software due to the many tools it offers. Its unusual options volume screen shows you stocks that have unusually high option volumes. These opportunities will be presented in a manner that is more profitable for you. Its customizable options screener allows you to find stocks that are trending in a certain direction, such as bearish or bullish. It even has a volatility insights feature, which can help you determine whether an options trading opportunity is worth pursuing.
Seeking Alpha Premium
There are many benefits to joining Seeking Alpha. The premium membership has many extras you won’t get in the basic plan. The premium version has more customization, including “notable calls” from Wall Street professionals. There are also investing ideas articles, portfolio tracking, and access to a wealth of information from Wall Street professionals. The premium membership allows you to follow your portfolio with the help of a concierge. If you don’t have time to read all the articles, this option alert service can provide you with the information you need in a hurry.
The articles published by Seeking Alpha are original and written by top market analysts and investors. Although you can’t fully trust the information on these blogs, you can always use the articles as research tools. For example, some articles may promise big gains based on the title. However, only subscribers of the premium version can read them. For many investors, this alone makes the subscription worth it. However, it’s important to understand that you must take some time to research the company before subscribing to it.